The years 1946 to 1964, introduced children known as the Boomers. There was a baby boom after the end of the Second World War that lasted until the end of 1964. All these children now range in ages from 70 to 52 years, and they occupy a large portion of society. They also dominate and dictate the economy despite all the hype of Modernity, Millennials, Generation Xs and 4D technology. That’s right I said 4D. 3 D technology has run its course.

The world is now perched on a Demographic Cliff with these older humans outnumbering children five years and under. The world demographics has changed and continues to change as society champions smaller families and alternate life styles. Baby Boomers consume less because they have organized their consumption to match their exact needs. They do not believe in excess, as anything excessive will dictate that they expend energy to care for, or to reap something unfavorable causing a burden. Baby Boomers breathe the air at the top. This is the air that they created during the economic boom they funded and strived for and have now abandoned for divine encounters and spiritual gains.

Modernity is not spurned, but the Boomers are not shackled to it because they know how to light a fire without the use of matches. They prefer to smell new morning air and rain falling on hot earth, watering seedlings, meditating the glow of sunset, rejoining nature as an acknowledgement of their being in nature. Boomers are the last of the originals. The Demographic cliff that the world is now perched precariously on is more serious than to have some superpower pressing that ominous red button. It would seem by all statistical observations that we are successfully moving toward annihilating ourselves, therefore if the button is ever pushed it possibly would be mostly animals, the second specie, that would perish in that great bonfire. Should we be alarmed?

In his book “The Demographic Cliff” Harry S. Dent Jr. discusses and suggests survival possibilities for this ‘great deflation ahead’. Do you believe?


photo: Heydar Aliyer Center-Domo. Zaha Hadid, Architect.


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