that though I speak  from a place of reason – supposedly I pause to wonder about last night and all the anxieties of electing Donald J. Trump as the new American President.  Fresh off the boat so to speak ,without a single political or military background, Mr. Trump is the new Commander-in-Chief for the United States of America.

In my present view I see him as someone adept at board games with one idea and that is to win. After a win, he will either feel to play another game or find some other challenge.  I question if he has the focus  to engage the responsibility of being President carries. We all can clamor to become the leader of the free world but the position does have a weight and immense turmoil as part and parcel of the job. It is not for the weak, intolerant, quick-tempered or one with bitterness of spirit.  

Is Donald able? Will he be frightened and balk, will he squabble with the very same men who blocked every bill and law over the last eight years? Will he be able to convince them of any new ideas he might just have.  We must remember that he is coming from a place with ideas that has never yet been tested on a national level, and though his experiences are not political, strategy and logic operate the same in all cases.  

What do we know of ‘The Donald’? We know only what we discovered during the long campaigning and debates.  We know he is very crude, we know he cheats as a way of life, we know he abuses power by not paying a fare wage if he can get away with it, we know he has had three wives, and is an adulterer, he has children and that he was raised with racism as the norm.   Does this sound familiar?

st-georgeTherefore, is it fair to say Donald J. Trump is a replica of the common man in these American United States? ( I say that tongue-in-cheek) He is no different from the rest of us and as such we recognized him as a reflection of our values.  Our king as come. No longer do we have to pretend that we don’t cuss or swear or break the commandments.  No longer do we have to pretend to love our neighbors’ life style.  We can now honestly say, “neighbor, you go to hell” – your choice of expletive- and not feel embarrassed.  America has discovered her St. George and is now ready to slay all the dragons the rest of the world is sending our way.

And so I muse. Its 10 am the day after the glass ceiling remains unbroken. I must be jaded or am in shock as I was on the day of 9/11, because I am not deeply troubled as I thought I would be. The difference today is that the apparent terrorism seems to be home-grown as apple pie and thankfully, as on 9/11, I did not have to walk from Manhattan to Westchester last night. 

Where do we go from here? Where do I go from here? Educated, black, female with an opinion.  How do I position myself on the Trump agenda? Which forces me to ask, What is the Trump Agenda?  I am prepared to wait and see what comes down from Valhalla.  Soon the god will speak.  Thor is within the halls. Let us be patient, let us give him the time the very house that he is now in did not afford the Black god; let us learn from that and give Thor, the white god a chance.  

Maybe, who knows, just maybe he wont build that wall, he wont dismantle all Obamacare, he wont roll back Roe v Wade and the marriage act.  Maybe he will deal with real issues affecting us all. Affordable housing, better educational opportunities at every level, and for every one. Clean air.  Halt deforestation – the planet is dying, see global warming debates.

Maybe our new President has a new approach to the old problems of simply being human. Humans are indeed the problem.  Humans and Humans alone.  Wait I say, wait on your God, He will deliver.

windswept-484796_960_720Bent but not broken,


I am woman.


11/9/16  bemused.


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