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Author: Musings

POEM # 3…..uncensored. FANTASIA. (circa 2005)

POEM # 3…..uncensored. FANTASIA. (circa 2005)

    Excess and duress cannot contain me flim flam flim flam flurry, you skitter like a mouse though you claim feline headlines, beloved, waste not your efforts on vain endeavors; I claim you, in sleep, in dreams, always. Deboned?  My lips curl contemptuously, sitting in a corner you watch me furtively as I pad thoughtfully. I glance, you shudder, I sigh, you hold your breath I turn suddenly, you utter a muffled scream, your hand cover your parted lips….

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THE RAGDOLL EFFECT has me fully in its grip, derek has a headache, jeremy has no money carmen owes the rent, junior’s sister is dead the neighbor went to jail, there is no bail, the children climb my fence. no use in lowering the drapes they know I am inside the telephone shrills and shrills, my lips move silently “is there no balm in Gilead?’ I whisper.



  DAY ONE. My dear mother how have you been keeping? I have been meaning to write to you almost as soon as you left but I decided to wait at least a week to give you time to meet and greet and to grow accustomed to your new abode. To my amazement, I could not pick up a pen until now. It has been a most unusual three months. So much has transpired since you left and I have…

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Looking Back and Forth, and Tempted to Say, “Is This All There Is?”.

Looking Back and Forth, and Tempted to Say, “Is This All There Is?”.

  MY FRIEND CAME OVER AND HE LET ME SPEAK WHILE I COOKED FOR HIM. I am speaking freely today, but in society that isn’t really allowed, at least from what I’ve noticed, one has to be politically correct. Today, I am refusing to walk along that road. No more, I am tired of toeing the line and stifling my thoughts. These are not new thoughts or ideas. The song of the world has been played a million times over…

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WALK IN MY SHOES AND I WILL TELL YOU A TALE. walk in my shoes tell me how you feel my pain. when the drunk took my life, the woman in the red dress was raped and stabbed she died, her shoes were stilettos, blue ones Mary Jane shoes worn by the little girl stuffed in the bin. What does my shoe say? I have walked miles to this point I passed shoes along the way they cried out to…

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Friday’s Day, is Today…

Friday’s Day, is Today…

Friday looms large and bright Friday was always here, I just never saw it. Friday was Monday Friday was also Thursday. Everyday is Monday through Sunday. Friday is today. Here and now. celebrate the now. (10.16.2016)

Channeling your inner Buddha.

Channeling your inner Buddha.

Taken from the Zen Peace Center. Student: Our whole practice is about unconditional love, how “Everything is the Buddha,” and how all of life is acceptable to Life, yes? Teacher: Well, unconditional love is what we practice. Student: So if nothing is outside of Life, would it be fair to say that egocentric karmic conditioning/self-hate is also Life? To transcend all dualities, all separation, wouldn’t we have to accept the voices as part of Life? Teacher: It’s my favorite question…

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For the sake of love when death seems to beckon you.

For the sake of love when death seems to beckon you.

IN GRATITUDE I CRAVE YOUR FAVOR FOR THE SAKE OF LOVE. Do not beckon to me Do not entice me Do not make nice to me I cannot be with you I must not be with you At this time Your beauty entices me immensely and I can almost feel your fingers Against my cheeks. Your fingers are cool as the wind that swirls mist- like around you and your valley. Your verdant leafy places.