Is that all there is?

Is that all we have?

How is America great again?

tell me, tell me, I want to know.

aaaah, the hole in his stomach running red

it bubbles while his hand jerks and twitches

his eyelids have come down like shades,hanging

twitch some more,

the legs twitch as the life

creeps up from them to exit from the top of his body.

Strange fruit, fallen from the tree of life, strange fruit

black and red.

great America, why don’t you love these fruits?

Remember how you plucked them from African trees and hurried with them

back to America! did you love them then?

or is it that you just like to destroy strange fruit, things you don’t understand

things you admire but can’t replicate so you shoot it down to die on the grounddeath in a suit

twitching and bubbling,

strange fruit, strange fruit on the ground.

America, America, time does not stop nor can it end,

don’t write your epitaph in blood

the blood of strange fruit placed in your invalorous time capsule. history will read

America was never great.

America was cruel, America was not human.



lmh. 7.8.16.


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