Hello World!

Hello World!


Slowly my eyes adjusted to the new light

a new day has come,

I turn toward my mecca

 it blinded me a while. 

then they came,

First like a susurrus then a grumble,

my dreams came crashing forward

my night revealed in bits and pieces, in black and white and gray

again you were there.

I watched my dream in a dream, knowingly.

only in dreamscape I can see myself outside myself.

Stop! Don’t move, listen!

I know from whence you came. 

I only know where you will go

tell me truly, do you want me?

can I touch your caramel smooth skin that glistens like fresh dew?

No, I heard myself reply, I do not know you though I want you to touch me

voices, early morning voices that tease me

and then I wake.


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