Very recently I had a late night after a very trying day. Being at home is not always a nice place to be. Sure you have all your creature comforts but there are also those you call relatives and there are domestic situations and there are sometimes care-giving situations, and you are the care-giver.

Under the care-giving banner on this occasion, my anxieties piled up to vex my spirit so badly that I found myself at 1am wide awake and watching the well touted film, “Mad Max, Fury Road”

MMI watched and watched, waiting for the thrill. The next day found me still waiting. But back to the film. What exactly was the hype about? Yes the setting was fantastical and Stanley- Kubrick- weird, but I failed to find the greatness that caused the film society to award it with so many Oscars.

It felt like I was watching Neanderthals in the Iron Age instead of the Hunter-gatherer age. A senseless drone of clanging and clashing, blood spilling, inhuman behavior; it was like all of creation gone wrong. The spectacular scene where the Alpha Male jams a nail-like tubing in his vein and jams the other end into the Alpha Female’s vein to do a blood transfusion, this for me was the last straw. I had to reject this film as worthy of the celluloid it was imprinted on. Everything was so wrong with that. And to think that the Alpha- Female lived. Amazing! How did the hero know the Female’s blood type? Just one of the many questions that scene brought to mind.

I finished the film because I don’t like to start things and leave them hanging. I am still marveling at what makes a movie wonderful. Was it the fact that water was the salvation at the end? Was finding the source of water the point? Is this a precursor to life on Mars? Someone tell me please what Mad Max fury Road was about, before I too perish.


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