They came at around two in the morning,

Bridled and supreme,

Black, glittering, so certain of themselves.

They climbed on and rode me as if I too was a horse.

How they rode me.  I thrashed and gurgled

I garbled, no shining rescuer came,

They rode me, on and on they made my sleep a dark fury

Elevated in time and space I had no control, completely yielded.

They were cocky and dropped my bridle as they rode me

As if to my death.angel of fear

Oh God in heaven! Aren’t prayers worth anything?

The air became icy cold, I groaned under the strain of my recaptured bridle,

So cold I became, my naked skin goosed causing me to tremble

The breath came out from my chest and I awakened with a struggle

I breathed hard and fast, I shivered, I moaned, I clutched the soft pillow

And buried my head deep within the softness to hide.

Stumbling from the bed, the darkness covered my nakedness, my faithful feet

Carried me off to the secret chamber.

Why did I press the light switch?

Frightened I began to clean the sink, then I moved

On to the bathtub

I cleaned and cleaned what was already clean,

in my quest to drown out the memories of my recent captivity; accidentally turned the shower on my head, my face, my glasses,

Should I cry and make a girl of myself? Or should I swear and dry my glasses, my only attire?

The clock ticked and ticked,

Chapters of Phillip Roth’s’ “Indignation” flew by, a blood bath of meat shops and old school

Necking and petting. Quaint, I can recall.

Quaint, two extinct words, “Necking & Petting”.

Remembering my morning appointment I set the alarm on my new phone, for 6 am, it was already 4.

everything slept.  Except me.

What is to become of me?

The whipping from the brutish ride lingered on my skin and forced my eyelids apart.

I will pay a hefty price for my dalliance with the night.

Stiff and tortured, its daylight.

My appointment did not show,

A message: “Please be advised that due to unforeseen road conditions we will keep you updated

As to your client’s ETA.”

Why thank you, thank you; even sarcasm failed me.

Now to suspended animation.



Lmh: 8/18/201

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