It is no secret that I love the sport called Golf.  It is no secret that I love Eldrick Tont Woods, arguably the greatest player of the sport since its inception as a competitive event.  I love the man and I love the champion Golfer.  I love the man because I just love him.  His approach to his life’s’ work which is golf, is extraordinary and I admire him.  The discipline that he brings to the game, how he does not make excuses for himself when a play is not what he expected, instead he works to find the flaw and brings it to perfection.  I love his work ethic and his philosophy for succeeding.

Several things make up a man. There are some things about him that were less than stellar that I did not admire, but I chose to forgive him, he is after all human and like me, prone to errors.  I said those things were less than stellar, as I believe he has, as he is wont to do, expunged those flaws from his routine and is now a much relieved and refined human.  He is I believe, a work in progress. 

tiger-woods-79694_960_720It is hardly a  secret that I do not engage in any ‘Eldrick Woods’ bashing with anyone, (not even my Pastor), no one, and I discourage those who would from not  opening those dialogues with me. (Not even after I am dead and my ashes are on display).  Just don’t discredit Eldrick Tont Woods in my presence living or transitioned.  I love my fellow human and am willing to let him be at peace with his God-given life and grow in the spot where he was placed.  I am growing in mine.  Not always my leaves are shiny, but by golly I work at polishing them.  I want to be loved by someone in the manner that I love Eldrick Tont Woods. Without judgment, but with compassion and having enough faith in me to think fondly of me as often as is possible.  To wish me well, never hoping to meet or greet me, but having the courage and conviction to believe that there is someone out there loving you with the same singular fervor.

Now then, that was Eldrick Tont Woods the hu-man.  Let me now tell you about Tiger Woods the greatest Golfer alive on this planet.  Simply put, there is no other to surpass him although the line trying is growing on a daily basis.   

Pshaw! Is what I say, carry on all you putting putters.  (Ha-ha, did you get that?)frog-1212201_960_720

The Tiger is asleep and will roar again.  Bank on that.  While we wait, it would be worth the while to revisit one of the greatest never to be repeated chip shots of the game.  This was at the Masters of 2005, on the 16th hole.  It was masterfully executed.  Whenever I watch the video, I cry.  I get choked up and I cry. It’s the best that I can do. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ZNoMzXx4HM

“Once in a while someone amazing comes along, and here I am, Tigerr” _ Winnie the Pooh.

Long live Eldrick “Tiger” Woods.


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