Listening Outside the Box-

I hear the planet ticking

It says, shoooshhhh, ping, purr, oh nooooo,

Ding dong, ping pong, clang, grrrghh, arrrghh, lol, hahahaaaaaa,

I hear the sounds, tweets-

Bells ringing in Seattle and Rome,

Children shrieking in Kingston, and Kathmandu

Weeping in Syria, Ghana, Pakistan, whimpering in China and Japan

In places whose names I don’t know, they weep and scream…for the help they don’t get.

Gurgling rivers-the birds- the growls

The vendors’ call- come buy- come by – just come

Sounds to enliven my soul,

Jane Monheit sings in the front row

I hear every single thing whistling through my head- ssssshhsssssssssssssssss

On and on I hear the trees making nice to the bees,

I hear it all

And then

I feel,

The warm tears run out of my ears

Run past me like amniotic fluid to join the rivers underground,

Yes, my darling, I cry what I hear.

I am mixed up- I am a part of the earth.

I give birth to myself

To you

To the insects and leathery Rhinoceros, big bull Elephants, graceful gazelles, muddy warthogs

I birth them all

and then I hear them in singular fashion.

The Earth trembles when everything move in unison

How beautiful are the colors, the lines of intersection and reactions,

I am the earth – I am me and I run like a river ad infinitum

I never stop I can’t stop- I don’t want to stop-


If I stop darling you will end and I will be silent,

but dead.

I can’t die.

Stay with me in time and space,


What do you feel? –

touch the tears and feel the resonance

Tears are not soft, they twang and snap, they move in time.

Tears used to be rivers and rain and clouds and legumes,

Tears are alive and eternal.

This has no end

Keep thinking

Stop and you vanish



Lmh. Copyright: 4/15/16

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