That Jesus died on a cross is plausible. That his family and friends watched as he died is also believable. That Jesus is the Son of God begs many questions, yet, Jesus himself said so.

Was he mad? Was he a Charlatan? From all accounts as far as I have read he does not appear to have been mentally deranged, and because he wasn’t collecting funds in return for any of his good deeds, I cannot dub him a Charlatan. Why then was he viewed with such skepticism? Was the Sanhedrin afraid to lose their stranglehold of the Jewish people and therefore lose power to some unseen God they have been worshipping for thousands of years? A God who was only a smokescreen to cover their indiscretions and their glut for power.cross

Today we have our own Sanhedrin in the form and shape of political parties, and how they battle for our attentions! As it was then, so it is now. How then can we be certain that Jesus Christ of Nazareth, son of Mary and Joseph, is the Son of God? We have no physical proof. What we do have are the Holy Scriptures, the words of the Prophets and the recorded reports of the eye-witnesses of the time Jesus lived. We have the very same tools of reflections as the early Jews. It is still a confusing struggle for our souls. What must we do? Where do we cast our votes?

FAITH, our faith is what we have to prop up this belief that Jesus is God. That he became mortal for our benefit. This means simply that each one of us who has a need for God, need to personally accept the Scriptures, the words of the prophets, and the reports from the Bible that Jesus Christ is Lord and that he rose from the dead and went to heaven to make ready for us.

Is any of this plausible? It can be if you believe it to be. As believers our lives therefore ought to reflect the simplicity of the life Jesus led. Are we reflections? Or are we our own Sanhedrin and therefore crucify ourselves?

Know what you believe.

Happy Easter 2016.


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