has me fully in its grip,

derek has a headache,

jeremy has no money

carmen owes the rent,

junior’s sister is dead

the neighbor went to jail, there is no bail, the children climb my fence.

no use in lowering the drapes they know I am inside

the telephone shrills and shrills,

my lips move silently

“is there no balm in Gilead?’

I whisper.

my ragdoll mind is buzzing,

my ragdoll hands remain outstretched

my ragdoll legs keep running

my ragdoll stomach takes a hit, I pay a price

I am nauseous, from this ragdoll life.

if I should give way to death,

carmen would get evicted,

junior will mourn forever and fall to despair,

jeremy might just rob the bank,

derek will weep and die,

the neighbor’s children? pigeon

will trash my house in desperation.

my ragdoll self is limping

my ragdoll hands and feet must keep moving

my ragdoll lips keep praying

my ragdoll ears heard God say

“Let there be light”.


( 10/11/201)

One thought on “THE RAGDOLL EFFECT….

  1. This is like a litany. The shorter sentences give it an energy it would otherwise not have. The mention of faceless names lends a sort of Springsteen-like quality to it – characters in a mini-drama. Darkness in the middle leads to light at the end. Good play.

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