Here we are again ending another year. My feelings are complex. I cannot be ungrateful but the misery of 2016 has stuck in my craw. The year was inundated with trials, so many of them flaming towards me out of the blue.
Nevertheless, I am very grateful to have been able to tackle them with success. Though I am wrung dry and wondering what the heck else can happen!
I had more deaths than births, and more fiscal challenges I care to recall. Again, I am grateful that I weathered all my storms with courage from God, as I sheltered under His Grace.
It was a good year on a very personal note. My faith is intact and my family is doing well and though my health is not pristine, yet I am very much in the pink. There has to be some kinks at this age. And speaking of age, I celebrated a milestone birthday in October with wonderful friends and family much to my delight. I am not a birthday party girl but I thought for once I should pamper myself and invite my friends to partake. They did partake and based on their faces in the photographs they seemed to have had a wonderful time.
My father continues to be a central focus in my life. He turned 94 years in October and is still moving around albeit very slowly. It is so mind altering to see his decline over the years. At times I sit in reflection and remember him as a young man large as life and most vigorous. The contrast is astonishing. I usually inject myself into a similar scenario and cringe when the pictures come to mind. My single prayer is that my mind remains intact to the end. What good is life without the ability to think? I beg you to ponder that.
Of course my reading habit flourished and all of my pocket money went into books. Am I to die without reading every book? Yes, I will most certainly die without reading them all, but I am making a dam good effort to do so on behalf of every tree that suffered. Yes, that was corny, senseless and pointless……
My granddaughter is growing like a weed but maturing as she should. Next year Summer begins the dreaded tween years. On the brighter side, it is so refreshing to be able to converse with her as I would a twenty year old. Great reasoning skills (taking a bow) . I am however bracing for the vapors and dramatic hormone –filled moments up ahead.
I have been skirting the most import bit of 2016. The Presidential elections. There! I mentioned it.
2017 should bring a wealth of surprises and disappointments. From where I am standing many things will be better while we watch Rome or America burn, whichever suits the metaphor. Like the so called witches of Salem I will douse the flames with courage and dedication to life and love.
Merry Christmas and a very prosperous and successful 2017.
Think Big, Pray much, keep reading.