Some Cannibals put on a dinner dance for their friends and family.
It was wildly successful and thousands attended the smorgasbord, a wonderful display of chivalry of ancient times. They drank Moat Juice for days on end, as they celebrated four hundred and one years of ‘The Grendel’.
If you did not get a ‘privileged’ invitation perhaps it’s because you could be on the menu.
They had grown tired of eating “Strange Fruit” and had a yen for something rare. The Cannibals discovered “Road Kill”, they called it that. It bled and the blood was black and life giving.
Deus ex Machina watched through his periscope. He saw the flares from the pretty party fires and heard the hiss of the party joy cans as they exploded and emitted smoke and odd scents. His gills expanded with a frothy excitement.
He watched and said, “That is good, beautifully done”.
Some Cannibals threw a dinner dance by the powers invested in them by the great Machina himself, who attended via zoom-periscope.
Lo and behold, the others, the perceived menu items, turned sharply and armed themselves for an apocalyptic battle, they had already seen the eye of death that the plague brought them. Fear was trampled. They began to breathe in one accord and stormed the castles of the world. They had had enough, “take your knee from my neck’, they shrugged collectively and rose up like the first sunrise on creation morning.
Like knights of King Arthur, the kingdom of heaven strengthened their resolve, they marched and marched and did not grow weary.
This dinner dance the Cannibals planned is now a moving feast, a battle for the souls of the uninvited.
Stay tuned.