Joy or Pleasure? fact or Fiction?
The year always end with Christmas, that is if you are a Christian or affected by Christianity and the Advent of Jesus’ coming into the world. It also ends without Advent for the non-Christians who engage in an elaborate time of gift giving and partying and a general jollyfication geared toward having as much fun as possible and then some. Those are the two sides of the Christmas coin.

at times I have been on both sides of this coin but for the most part I am influenced by the Advent story. My actiivties are usually modified and restrained from much that is associated with the non-Advent side. Christmas appeals to me through the seasons when Autumn cascades into Winter sometimes with blinding blizzards, mind numbing winds and a silence that is so loud I can hear the snowflakes land on my window panes as they announce their arrival. The silent joys of winter always leave me with questions as to why the grey melancholia of winter always arrest my soul to make me so happy that I cannot find words to express. Winter time is blissful for me and when I combine the Advent story it exceeds the bounds of heaven. Christmas and Winter are bound up in the majesty of the Divine one, therefore I rejoice.
So many myths to contend; to accept or not, yet Christmas keeps coming year after year and the myth of “Jesus Christ the Son of God” persists despite the efforts to make it unconstitutional or not relevant. Did God, if there is a Creator, send His only Son Jesus the Christ to come live among mankind with a view towards redemption, thus refreshing the idea of the Edenic fall. Is Jesus our rebirth and Salvation, or just a soothing adult fairytale? This decision might reflect which side of the Christmas Coin you choose.
I have chosen The Advent of Winter and the hope of redemption through the coming of The Christ. Winter brings me hope that new life is ahead, that Spring will come again, followed by Summer and Fall to herald Christmas once again. Christmas is here! Christ is among us! Rejoice! its Christmas once again.