In single file they drift downwards
The yellow ones are first
The greens look on defiantly fluffed together in silent prayer,
They pray in gratitude that they got to serve nature’s cause
now fall approaches,
The dutiful wind sends a gentle puff
And the yellows and half yellows fall down in a flush
Down atop each other for comfort sake
A canopy beneath the tree they came from,
The air is suddenly chilled
And just like that
The summer resigns to make room for kindred fall.
Chilly air
Falling multicolored leaves spread softly beneath yielding branches
Obedient to God in their own way.
For they must die to make space for winter
The blanket of heaven that protects the earth as she sleeps and dream
About another time before the very first fall.
A simple time coated in sweet grasses and bright colors, sheltered in
Abundant lights while awkward mankind drift innocently caressing
The iridescence because they can.
When I brood
Incited by the gloam I enter the quiet grey
Where the silence hums only for my ears,
It’s shrill, and soft, and comfortable.
Complex, clouds roll in
A signal, snow,
Snowflakes like leaves appear.
Winter has its own falling leaves,
soft and white they descend slow at first then
fall in a frenzied swirl
Mesmerized I watch the winter blanket come down.
Earth is comfortable, she sleeps.